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Additional Services

Intellectual Property Arbitration/Mediation

With decades of experience litigating some of the most complex patent and IP cases, Gary Hood can assist as mediator or arbitrator in any type of IP dispute. He stands ready to move quickly to address your case wherever and whenever you need.

Alternative dispute resolution is a factor in most any lawsuit today. Whether mandatory or "strongly encouraged," options include mediation and arbitration. With over 25 years of experience as a trial lawyer, and having led cases through mediation and arbitration for a broad array of clients across a wide range of substantive legal areas. Gary Hood is uniquely prepared to serve as mediator or arbitrator in your cases.

Mr. Hood has substantial experience mediating intellectual property cases in particular. While he's handled a variety of technologies, he has developed particular understanding and experience in the area of Hatch-Waxman pharmaceutical patent cases. He understands and appreciates the complexities of attempting to settle such cases, and stands ready to assist even in situations where an agreed resolution seems distant.

Special Trial Counsel

Gary Hood has 25+ years of courtroom experience trying a wide variety of cases to judge and jury. Mr. Hood has led his own case teams, and he has jointly worked with teams from other firms. 

Even if you already have counsel, but are looking for strategic supplementation, The Hood Legal Group is available to assist regardless of how close to trial you find your case. Sometimes a case needs help. Whether to gain an "objective" perspective, to supplement a strong case team, or because of concern with the current approach, Gary Hood is prepared to step in and assist.

He is well versed in the dynamics of trial teams, and the pressures of trial and preparation for it. A Navy veteran, he is keenly experienced organizing a group of individuals to ensure laser focus on the mission at hand. So no matter the stage of your case, we stand ready to go to you, and plug in to your team.

With 25+ years of experience trying a broad array of cases - everything from the most complex patent dispute, to "simple" automobile accident cases, and even significant criminal matters - Mr. Hood is prepared to engage, evaluate, and assist however necessary.